BoA's I'm OK (보고 싶더라) LF LYRICS
Who are the last people you rode in a car other than a family member?
What is the closest book to you?
a dusty Colloquial Korean - The Complete Course for Beginners. what happened to picking up korean studies. :(
What phone do you have?
HTC Legend named Slats. MY PRESHUSH :*
Do you have any dogs? If so, what breeds?
Any cats?
yussssssssssssssssss about two of them
What is the most expensive thing you own that plays music?
well i didn't pay for my computer, so i guess Slats lmao
Favorite Disney movie?
........ HOW COULD I POSSIBLY CHOOSE. Lilo & Stitch or The Little Mermaid or The Lion King or insertlistofdisneymovies.
What is the furthest place you’ve traveled?
Rome, Italy
Do you have any piercings? Where?
errrrrr...... one in my left ear but i never wear anything in it anyway, scars from 3 piercings in my lower lip
Any tattoos? Where?
noes ^_^
Do use any instant messengers? If so, which ones?
MSN, and all that
Who are most the texts from on your phone?
welllllllll..... noone ever texts me LOL but i guess Tolga
What color are your eyes?
Ever wear colored contacts?
no and im a bit hesitant of putting stuff in my eyes
What color is your hair?
Any highlights?
Would you ever change it?
What is the wallpaper on your computer?

i really love the story of this wallpaper but.. its boring. wtb new one. :/
Last thing you drank?
Closest living thing to you?
probably got a cat somewhere in my room
Favorite fast food joint?
McDonalds? lmao
Last movie you saw at the theater?
errrrrrrrrr.............. i cant even remember o.o
Anything planned for this Sunday?
no not really
Look out the window whats the first thing you see?
balcony, streetslights and all that
Which parent do you get on with best?
i only have one o.o
Are you wearing socks right now?
YUS cant live without my socks
Whats your ringtone?
i set it like yesterday but i cant remember lmao
Do you get cold easily?
yes.. my immune system is fail from living in a box for 4 years but i love getting sick so its all good
Do you use a toaster or toaster oven?
toaster lmao only time ive ever seen a toaster oven was in that olsen twins movie hahaha
Are you gonna kiss someone today?
Do you know anyone famous?
Favorite football team?
i never watch football but i cheer for S. Korea in everything so lol
Are you a big Zac Efron fan?
errrrrrrrrrr............ no
Would you rather drown or burn alive?
if i could choose how to die it would be drowning
Do you shop at Wal-Mart?
do we even have wal-mart in sweden
When is the last time you worked out or went to the gym?
dont think i ever have
Who is the last person on your missed call list?
Tolga :x
Do you watch the news?
Do you love or hate Dr. Phil?
no opinion
Do you believe in ufo’s and aliens?
Where are most of your clothes from?
h&m probably
What u.s states have you been to?
Are you a myspace addict?
fuck no that shit is old
Have you kissed anyone that name starts with a B?
no but OMG THANKS TO THIS I JUST REMEMBERED KISSING THIS HOT GUY I TOTALLY HAD A CRUSH ON BACK THEN he was way drunk tho and he also kissed my two best friends lmao good times
Did anything funny happen in the last 48 hours?
err.......... nothing out of the ordinary
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