September's desktop.
19 chapters into Kafka on the Shore.
mom's been a bitch lately.
spent some hours looking for jobs today.
no applications sent though. was gonna apply for this gardening job.. wrote the app and everything. realized it's way far outside of the city. meh. i'm not gonna apply for a job that demands personal qualities i don't have. looking through job ads makes me feel like i don't fit into society. "you should be open/social/motivated/creative/..." ahhh... who would hire me. ㅡㅡ;; i wanna be like Ayase, lol. working with a fansite as a hobby, and getting a job offer at NCSoft.. sigh. *stares at open job positions at NCSoft's site* ..... how would i go about becoming a QA. that would be fun. :(
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