cut my hair. pretty okay with it, medium long mess. dying it black in a few days or so. i already miss my long hair.
todaaaaaay i feel shit like any other daaaaaay but i watched all episodes of the killing which was fun it's a really good show and it upset me lots of times and i hate how joel looks so ugly lololol he's actually really hot but o well it's funny trying to pick out the few times his swedish accent shines through. i'm wearing yellow socks and i feel so rebellious and i'm not eating either cause i'm hating on humanity. oh wait 2PMs Hands Up is released tomorrow hopefully if it gets released a little bit early and i'm quite excited i've been really disappointed with all their releases after their last album but the previews released sound really aweeeeeesome + blonde wooyoung is hot hot hot. I REALLY WANT TO WATCH KIKI'S DELIVERY SERVICE. hmph downloaded tons of shit movies to pass time but i can't get myself to watch them and also downloaded the game of thrones books and like seriously i hate reading books on the pc but i'm gonna force myself to start reading because they really seem supergood. i'm happy being miserable kthx.
i saw you and i walked into the other room.
you came after me and i clung to you and i cried.
you pushed me away and left me.
you came after me and i clung to you and i cried.
you pushed me away and left me.
mr. dentist
today i went to the dentist. i was superparanoid about everything on the way there, espescially on the train. my heart was beating so fast and the train was shaking and etc. :| the dentist office has a self check-in device. kind of cool! zero human contact needed. (lol) the visit resulted in............ no cavities! he x-rayed my teeth an did some cleaning, and that was it. i was running out of the office. walked around the mall a bit. really couldn't find anything to buy in the clothes stores, so i started making my way back to the subway and found a store named "Accessorize". i'm sorry but that store is fucking amazing. it made me dizzy and everything was so pretty. so i went on a quest to buy a wallet. the past years i've used coin purses, and this awfully ugly kids wallet, so i really needed a new one. it's "fake leather", 100% polyrethane. 185:-. eyed the keycharms. definitely getting one someday.. and then i made my way to the obligatory Indiska-stroll. really, i walk around the store at LEAST three times because i'm afraid i'll miss something and everything is so pretty. i found myself staring at the jewelry shelves and realized i wasn't even looking to buy anything, i was looking for the pleasure it made to my eyes. (************_**************) but i ended up with a tea cup and a matching plate, DEFINITELY perfect for my breakfasts. i'm going to use it every day. i also found a little cute bag that's perfect for my citrine (was included with the pentacle), pentacle (bought from an amazing woman online), onyx bracelet (bought at Gotland last year) and prayer beads (vatican, last year). they're my bestest charms, and now they have a bag to match! yay. it's been a rather good day, although i was boiling on the train. i actually even forgot about Maestia, some random f2p game i fell in love with earlier today.

Melancholia ad in the subway! can't wait to watch it.

the fire in Lunda industry area, as seen from our balcony. the cloud is huge. i saw it when passing Johannelund station and everyone were staring out the window.. seriously huge. hope noone was hurt.

Melancholia ad in the subway! can't wait to watch it.
the fire in Lunda industry area, as seen from our balcony. the cloud is huge. i saw it when passing Johannelund station and everyone were staring out the window.. seriously huge. hope noone was hurt.
watched E3 half night, skipped Sony's press conference because i'm not really a fan of their game consoles.. well i'm not a fan of consoles period. but anywaaaaaaay i'm totally excited about Skyrim. not that i played the previous Elder Scrolls games or anything, but it just looks awesome. really looking forward to seeing more of it.
DTP LiA redovisning
Under några veckor i Maj månad har jag arbetat med att sätta ihop design förslag till organisationen Sharing Awareness hemsida. Deras önskemål var en hemsida med lättillgänglig information gällande möjligheter till donering, med logotypens färger integrerade. Det krävdes mycket pysslande och var en stor utmaning då jag ej har mycket erfarenhet när det gäller hemsidor, men detta blev mitt slutgiltiga förslag!
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